For information on identifying South Carolina Pottery consult at:

​​For more detailed information on the items below consult the website of "South Carolina Artifact Documentation Project" at:

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1101 -   Bowl 1700 - 1850 - 2 views                                   144  ​Pot 1700-1850.

Colonoware, Bluff Plantation, Combahee River     Mepkin

1102   ​Bowl = 1700 -1850 - 3 views                                                                                     3000 - 800 BP

Colonoware, Bluff Plantation, Combahee River                                                      East Cooper

401  ​Pot - 1700 - 1850 - three views .

​Colonoware - Childsbury - Cooper River

Colonoware                                     African Jug, 

Childsbury, Cooper River       Bluff Plantation, Combahee River                   

301 1700 - 1850                1001 - 1700 -- 1850 - 2 views            

​Pottery :pots, dishes, vases etc... made from clay and hardened by heat.