The locations given where artifacts have been found are approximate to protect the sites, if you wish a more information, please contact us.
Through the sharing of ideas, information, and artifacts we increase our knowledge of South Carolina’s submerged cultural resources and her history.
South Carolina Artifact Documentation Project with
Divers Dedicated to Historic Preservation
Artifacts from private collections are being displayed in local museums, so people in our communities can benefit from the finds of local collectors.
Through the use of modern technology and the collation of data from multiple divers diving decades apart, we are developing an expanded view of our historic sites.
Have an artifact that you would like identified?
It is through the identification and dating of artifacts that we gain a better appreciation of the cultural resources of our state.
Video recorded interviews capture antidotes of discovery and details of a site’s history which may be made available to the public and future researchers.
Copyright © Stephen Howard. All rights reserved.