1) Loans will normally be made for a period agreed upon by SCADP the lender and the borrower . The lender reserves the right to terminate a loan at any time before its expiration with reasonable notice to the borrower.
2) Unless otherwise noted, the borrower agrees to assume financial responsibility for all objects on loan from SCADP, if lost or damaged. Borrower responsibility begins on the date the objects leave the physical custody and control of the Lender and ends when the objects are received back into the physical custody and control of the lender.
3) All loan material will have insurance coverage in accordance with accepted SCADP policy. Unless otherwise noted, all costs of wall to wall insurance, packing and transportation shall be borne by the borrower, as well as any additional charges which may be incurred through necessary conservation or appraisal. A certificate of insurance, if required by the Lender, shall be furnished to SCADP naming it as an additional insured. Borrower's insurance shall be considered the primary insurance in the event of any loss or damage.
4) Objects will be returned via the same method of shipment as they were sent unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing.
5) Damages, whether in transit or on the borrower's premises and regardless of cause, shall be immediately reported to the borrower's insurer and the Lender.
6) Objects placed on public exhibit must be in locked or otherwise secure cases, or when large objects are involved, displayed so as to provide maximum security. Objects not on display must be stored in a secure area.
7) Loan objects may not be cleaned, repaired, retouched or altered in any way except with the written permission of the Lender. The Lender's identifying marks on the objects will not be removed without written permission of the Lender.
8) Objects covered in this Agreement may be photographed only for record and publicity purposes, reproduction in an exhibition catalog, or for research/scholarly publications, unless different restrictions are attached in writing. A copy of any publication must be provided to the Lender without cost and full credit must be given. .
9) The borrower will not reproduce loaned objects in any media now known or developed in future for commercial purposes, and the objects will not be subjected to technical examination of any type involving risk of their physical change without written permission of the Lender.
10) No object, exhibit or reproduction of an object or exhibit will be used in the promotion of a product or service for any purposes which imply the endorsement of the said service or product by SCADP. Any request for use of an object or exhibit for promotional purposes will be reviewed and approved in writing by the Lender.
11) The Lender reserves the right to set any additional conditions or restrictions related to the packing, shipping, insurance, exhibition installation, storage, handling, environmental controls and security of the loan objects which it deems necessary. . All conditions and restrictions shall be made in writing and attached to this Agreement prior to approval of the loan.
12) Loans shall not be transferred by the borrower to another institution without written permission of the Lender.
13) Object stability will be assessed before leaving and upon return to the lender. SCADP expects that borrowers will treat loaned objects with the highest standards of care.
14) This agreement may be executed in counterparts. Each counterpart when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. The parties agree that faxed or scanned signatures shall be legally binding and of the same force and effect as original signatures.
The undersigned is an authorized agent of the borrower. Signature acknowledges acceptance of the terms listed above.
Borrower Signature, Name/Title _____________________________________, Date_________________________
Lender’s Signature, ___________________________________________________, Date_________________________,
3 of 3 Initial_______________________
List artifacts with description of each, Please attach photos of all items:
2 of 3 Initial______________________
Lender’s: Name ____________________, Address_____________________________________
Phone______________, Fax____________, Email_____________________________________
Borrower’s: Name_____________________, Institution_________________________________
Address_____________________________, City State, Zip______________________________
Phone______________, Fax____________, Email_____________________________________
Loan period: From______________, To_______________, Date Returned__________________
Reason for Loan: ____Research ____Exhibition ____Education, Other______________________
Total Value: $_______________________
Insurance provided by: ____Borrower ____Lender ____SCADP
Certificate of Insurance required? ____ Yes ____No
Shipping: Delivery via____________________________, Paid by__________________________
Return via_____________________________, Paid by_________________________
Object Condition: Outgoing condition_______________, By:_______________________________
Incoming condition_______________, By:_______________________________
Condition Report required: ____ Yes ____No
Environmental Requirements requested: ____ Yes ____No
1 of 3 Initial____________________
Copyright © Stephen Howard. All rights reserved.